
Sunday, August 5, 2007

Should You Invest In Beauty Skin Care?

By Mike Selvon

Many consumers purchase massive quantities of beauty skin care products every year in an effort to find a few drops from the ever-elusive fountain of youth. Aging customers place their hopes of a youthful appearance in the hands of beauty skin care specialists and dermatologists, subjecting themselves to torturous treatment and expensive solutions in their quest for beauty. Others are content to age gracefully and keep their hard earned money, showing little concern for signs of aging that are written across their wrinkled faces, necks and hands. These brave souls wear their wrinkles as badges of honor, a testimony of a life lived to the fullest and without regrets. Beauty skin care products for them are as useless as a lifetime supply of toenail clippings.

Many consumers pin their hopes of remaining youthful on anti aging skin care products. In all honesty, lifestyle, diet, exercise habits and genetics play a much larger role in determining how well we age than any anti aging skin care products ever can aspire to. Anti aging skin care products can, however, help erase a few small signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. They can lighten dark age spots and smooth out an uneven complexion.

Aging skin care differs from caring for young skin drastically. Youthful skin replenishes its own moisture and nutrients to a great extent. Aging skin produces less collagen, resulting in lines and wrinkles and a general thinning of the skin all over the body. Aging skin care products add extra moisture, collagen and vitamins essential to repair damaged skin. Aging skin care focuses on restoration, not maintenance.

The marketing of beauty skin care products is big business for a reason, most of the population is not pleased with the idea of letting nature take its course. We use beauty skin care products to try to beat back the hands of time and feel better about our appearances. America may very well be obsessed with beauty skin care products and the quest for eternally youthful skin.
Mike Selvon is the owner of various niche portals.

Our skin care product portal is a great resource for more information on beauty skin care. Visit our skin care blog and leave a comment.
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