
Friday, August 31, 2007

Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

By Natalie Aranda

As we all get older we seem to lose that youthful glow that we once had. There are many factors fighting against us to keep our youthful looking skin including, sun, wind, the foods we eat, or the lack of hydration our skin so desperately needs.
Quite a few skin care products can help us keep our skin looking better than ever, however, without proper skin care treatment, all the skin care products in the world will not help. To look your best and provide your skin with anti aging skin care you should turn to natural skin care and all natural products.

Let’s begin by first looking at your overall daily routine. You need eight hours of sleep, stay out of the sun as much as possible, use a good all natural moisturizer and above all else drink plenty of water. It is recommended in order to have youthful healthy looking skin the best anti aging skin care starts with eight glasses of water per day.

Exposure to the sun makes our skin dry and weather beaten. If you must be out in the sun, use sunscreen and moisturizers for natural skin care. Read the label, though, you do not want any product that has any type of alcohol in it; alcohol will dry the skin causing it to age as well.

One of the best skin care treatments you can add to your anti aging skin care routine is the use of moisturizers. Our skin loses water constantly and if you are like most people you do not enjoy drinking gallons of water in order to keep your skin hydrated. This is the reason you should use moisturizers every day. You should apply an all-natural moisturizer to your face before you apply any type of make-up.

When you are searching for the best anti aging skin care, you will of course look for anti aging products. The best products for skin care treatment that aid in anti aging are ones that include antioxidants. Antioxidants aid our skin by protecting the collagen and the elastin that we need to keep our skin feeling firm and supple.

The overall thing to remember with all skin care treatment including anti aging skin care is that what you put into your body will show on the outside. You should eat a proper diet and healthy foods. Eating well-balanced meals and nutritional foods will give your skin a healthy glow especially when you remember to drink plenty of water.

Natalie Aranda writes about health, beauty and fitness. Quite a few skin care products can help us keep our skin looking better than ever, however, without proper skin care treatment, all the skin care products in the world will not help. To look your best and provide your skin with anti aging skin care you should turn to natural skin care and all natural products.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fight Aging With Proper Antiaging Skin Care Treatment

By Low Jeremy

Physical appearance usually becomes the innermost reflection of people, their lifestyles, and their personalities today. In a world where physical beauty matters, it’s not surprising that more and more people look for products that would maintain or even enhance their beauty.

One of the worst physical flaws people—especially women—consider is the occurrence of wrinkles and other visible signs of aging. And since they are more concerned about their physical appearances, women are more enthusiastic in trying different sorts anti-aging skin care treatments and products.

They are more into using products and availing of treatments that would protect their skin against the aging effects of the environment.

Studies show that the first thing you need to do if you think your skin is being damage by aging is to provide the it with the essential nutrients it needs and take care of it by using proper anti-aging skin care treatments.

Most dermatologists also agree that a person can help minimize skin aging and damage caused by years of being exposed to chemicals, free radicals in the body, and several environmental factors by discovering anti-aging skin care treatment or wrinkle free skin care that can give them younger looking and healthier skin.

With the help of modern science and technology, having a flawless skin is still possible today despite the environment damages the skin endures. Most experts agree that people can minimize premature aging of skin by arming themselves with knowledge about the aging process, its causes, and look for possible natural solutions like going back to healthy living by doing regular exercise, having balanced diet and developing a healthy lifestyle.

But if these natural options can no longer work, various anti-aging skin care treatments and programs are available in the market today. Here are some anti-aging skin care treatments and products that can help you regain that youthful look:
1. Anti-wrinkle creams. The use of anti-wrinkle creams is probably the best anti-aging skin care treatment there is. Various anti-wrinkle creams that have powerful antioxidants prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.

The use of such creams also help protect the skin against harmful free radicals in the body, the harmful effects of cosmetics, environmental damages. By using high-grade herbs and ingredients as major components, anti-wrinkle creams can minimize the spread of existing wrinkles and age spots by tightening the skin.

2. Anti-aging moisturizers. Since the ingredients of moisturizers penetrate deeply into the skin, the use of anti-aging moisturizers will help lessen the visible signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and sun spots. These moisturizers also all to the skins hydration level depending on the person’s skin.

3. Anti-aging sunscreens. With today’s global warming, it is a must that people wear sunscreen or sun block to avoid the harsh rays of the sun. If you want to maintain a younger looking skin, look for anti-aging sunscreens that are suited for your skin type.

4. Antioxidants. Antioxidants—through the use of vitamins or by eating foods that have high anti-oxidant content—can help your skin cells bind the free radicals that usually cause aging or death of skin cells.

5. Exfoliants. When you reach the age of 30, the capability of your skin to exfoliate decreases. This is why it is quite important to avail of an external form of exfoliation to keep skin renewing itself.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Skin Care, please visit
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Beauty Tips For Winter

By Juliet Cohen

Winter is a part of the weather. Winter weather along with indoor heating strips the skin of its natural oils and moisturizing factor-even the oiliest of skin types. Winter is around and this season is generally not a favourite of many; mainly because it is harsh on the skin. Many of the dry skin conditions that victimize us in the winter can be alleviated. Cleanse the face and body with warm water instead of hot water. Hot water and steam tends to have a drying effect when used too frequently and/or for lengthy periods of time. There are many ways to exfoliate our skin, but too many to mention here. Natural and synthetic (polyethylene beads) scrubs, face and body sponges/loofahs/brushes, and alpha hydroxy acid products with a concentration of 10% or less are all considered safe for at-home use on a regular basis.

Take anti-oxidants to protect your skin. Buy them at a reputable health food store. Eat an Avocado once a week for the essential fatty acids it contains. Take flax seed oil pills or add it to food or drink and/or top your cereal or salad with fresh ground golden flax seeds. Flax seeds also have essential fatty acids. Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids. This is the time to Layer your Sensitive Skin Essential Oil with Seawater and Marine Lotion, followed immediately with the Special Reserve cream. It takes time to be absorbed into your skin, so be patient; The results are truly beautiful. Use the Hydrating Gel Mask at least 3 times per week to protect your skin from the elements.

Keep your eye and wrinkle cream in your pocket book and apply it during the day around your eyes and lips. Drink a lot of water and keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy can be even tougher during the blah months of winter. Use an extra layer of blankets instead. Use a humidifier for the duration of the winter, but make sure you clean it very often because it could harbor bacteria. .Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids. During winters, Smokey eyes are looked very beautiful and best than other eye makeup. During winter season use black mascaras after using eyeliner. A little sheen can be used on eyes for getting some change. These shades are used on lips for looking voluptuous. People should use matt-based foundation during winters.

Winter Beauty Tips
1. A little sheen can be used on eyes for getting some change. These shades are used on lips for looking voluptuous.
2. People should use matt-based foundation during winters.
3. Always use moisturizer or foundation with sun protection factor before going outside during the day in winter.
4. During winters, Smokey eyes are looked very beautiful and best than other eye makeup.
5. During winter season use black mascaras after using eyeliner. One can use shades of Aubergine for mascaras.
6. One can also use waterproof mascaras in dark brown shade.
7. In winters, always use tinted lip balms in blackberry, red currant tones and blackberry.
8. For winter makeup, women should use tinted powder with little shimmer.
9. Use small quantity of skin-priming moisturizers on the face and neck.
10. Use of night cream will be heavy during winter season.
11. Drink a lot of water and keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy can be even tougher during the blah months of winter.
12. Try not to sleep with the heat on high because of the drying effect that it has on your sinuses and your skin.
13. Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for anti aging tips and free beauty tips. For more information on beauty visit our site at
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Friday, August 24, 2007

Beauty Secrets - More Than Just a Scent

By Anna Woodward

The beauty product market has reached a saturation point and now customers find it difficult to select among the various products that are available. From female fragrances to the body massage lotion that suits them best, it is certainly difficult to make choices when so many options are available. In this respect, certain online providers are aiming to tackle this by coming up with an original idea of helping customers order products that are either their favorite or that can be created according to the person’s personality and preferences.

Many decades ago, people longed for a fancy fragrance in a crystal bottle, today the designers of perfumes have much more to provide before anyone will buy their products. They have to learn how to differentiate themselves and brand themselves so that they don’t have to compete on price. One way that some companies have chosen to differentiate is based on the health benefits of their products. Some are manufactured using vitamins, minerals and botanical extract cocktails. These are the kind of ingredients that can make a product effective and appealing today.

Specially designed so as to fully satisfy the senses of touch and smell, body massage lotion, such as those created by Vinci&Rakos, are innovative and also increasing in popularity for many reasons. One of these reasons is that nowadays people expect more from a fragrance than merely a smell; they also expect healing qualities and factors that will improve their overall look and feel.

Is this why so many women are willing to spend big when it comes to beauty care? Not only are they improving how they look now, but also how they will age in years to come. For many this is a good enough reason to spend big, not least for those that don’t have enough time in the day, or enough money in their purse, to go and visit a beautician.

With the increase in people looking to buy products online, the beauty care market has evolved in the way it competes to win custom. One of these ways is through adding a personalized touch to their service. One such innovative company now makes formulas for products based on exactly what their customer needs. Here is an example; a woman is allergic to chlorine, has wrinkles and also likes a light and aromatic smell that matches her personality. This company will develop a product that is specifically catered for her needs and send it out to her in the post within a week of her placing her order.

Although this has yet to become widespread, it could certainly shape the way that beauty care is headed in the future. This is what happens when a market economy gets free reign to do what it wants; products and services evolve as everyone chases greater good for themselves. The world of perfume and beauty is no different from anything else. People demand to smell nice and look good, they can easily achieve this by shopping online.

For more information about Women Fragrances, body gift baskets Vinci & Rakos and body massage lotion, visit Vinci & Rakos at
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Be Attractive With Aromatic Beauty Products

By Anita R Choudhary

Worried about beauty products may contain synthetic colors, fragrance and chemicals, that might hurt your sensitive skin?
You may be right as they may damage your natural beauty and skin. When you shift to an herbal way of life, using natural organic aromatic products may give you natural solutions to beauty and skin care. You will enhance your beauty with the natural ingredients. Essential oils may be the best solution for all your skin and beauty problems. Also known as cosmetic aromatherapy, specified essential oils are used to clean the skin while moisturizing it simultaneously.

Recently, there has been an increase in the awareness about natural products both body and beauty care, with the result that essential oils have gained popularity as being a part of the beauty products. You can get all the benefits of aromatic beauty products even if you stay home. In case, you want a facial steam, just add a few drops of the aromatic oil in the hot water and you will get the best perfumed, aromatic face steam ever. Not only will your facial skin get exfoliated and refreshed, you will smell nice the whole day without any synthetic fragrance.

For lustrous hair, add a few drops of your preferred aromatic oil to your shampoo. Some essential oils have the ability to enhance the hair condition and add bounce to your hair. You can even get an aromatic beauty foot bath, which may refresh you and leave you with no signs of the stress of the hectic day that you must have spent. Just add a few drops of your preferred aromatic oil to a basin of hot water and soak in luxury!

Wellness centers and health facilities have incorporated alternate means of relieving stress in your life. No longer synthetic fragrance are poured to rejuvenate your skin but use of only aromatic beauty products are used for skin and body care. The latest craze is aromatic massage where a professional masseur mixes a combination of aromatic oil and uses it for a relieving massage.

A massage had dual benefits- eliminating aches and pains while aromatic oils distress your mind completely. You will never forget the experience!
You can even do it home by adding 5 to 10 drops of your favorite aromatic oil in almond oil or any natural oil and then just give yourself a self massage. You will have a supple skin, aromatic smell and the pain shall also go away. Why are you still waiting? Try it out today and see the benefits.

Anita R writes for Skin-Products-Store.COM that provides information on all aspects of finding Aromatic Beauty Products. The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT! You can find more details and tips about skin care in our education center.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Celebrity Skin Care

By B. Padnos

Celebrity Skin Care
Celebrity Managers give the utmost importance to Skin Care. Celebrity faces make the cover and front pages of the world's best glossies and print. Their bodies grace the hotspots in print publishing across the world. Their lives occupy most of the pages in any popular magazine.
Whenever a celebrity endorses a skin care regimen or product it is bound to capture the imagination of millions of admirers and fans. Celebrities have become brand ambassadors, spokeswomen and spokespersons to leading manufacturers of cosmetics, beauty care products, apparel, perfumes etc., all over the world.

Lasting radiance of lingering beauty
Rachel Hunter is one of the most loved faces across the world. Beautiful, gifted and determined, Cover girl for Estee Lauder, People, Sports Illustrated, Revlon, Pantene and brand ambassador for beauty care and cosmetic products, she has epitomized lasting beauty for decades. One of the 'Most Admired Women' according to a British Poll she is also one of the most photographed international cover models.
Rachel Hunter now a spokesperson for Dermacia Breathable Foundation has these words to say about the new path-breaking foundation: "After a few hours makeup starts getting cakey and dry and I find that with Dermacia it just still feels fresh... even into the afternoon... and you don't have to go back and refresh it, so it just feels really light and still kind of that nice dewey look and the coverage is awesome... Especially if I've got a meeting at night or something, to go from set to dinner and it still looks the same. You can freshen up if you need to, but I found that I really don't need to." - Rachel Hunter, 26 February, 2006

Dermacia - what celebrities recommend
Dermacia is a "breathing" foundation that allows flow of air and moisture into and away from the face. While most makeup is like a 'mask' on the skin, Dermacia breathes, breathes life into skin like never before.
It's healing properties and gentle effectiveness and applicability even in the face of acne, eczema and rosacea has inspired even plastic surgeons recommend it in the operating room directly after surgery.

For More Details: Dermacia Skin care at its best at !. This Article is Originally Published here:
Ben Padnos is an Internet Enterpreneur based in Manhattan Beach, California and enjoys writing on various subjects. You can reach him at DONE! SEO Services.
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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Should You Invest In Beauty Skin Care?

By Mike Selvon

Many consumers purchase massive quantities of beauty skin care products every year in an effort to find a few drops from the ever-elusive fountain of youth. Aging customers place their hopes of a youthful appearance in the hands of beauty skin care specialists and dermatologists, subjecting themselves to torturous treatment and expensive solutions in their quest for beauty. Others are content to age gracefully and keep their hard earned money, showing little concern for signs of aging that are written across their wrinkled faces, necks and hands. These brave souls wear their wrinkles as badges of honor, a testimony of a life lived to the fullest and without regrets. Beauty skin care products for them are as useless as a lifetime supply of toenail clippings.

Many consumers pin their hopes of remaining youthful on anti aging skin care products. In all honesty, lifestyle, diet, exercise habits and genetics play a much larger role in determining how well we age than any anti aging skin care products ever can aspire to. Anti aging skin care products can, however, help erase a few small signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. They can lighten dark age spots and smooth out an uneven complexion.

Aging skin care differs from caring for young skin drastically. Youthful skin replenishes its own moisture and nutrients to a great extent. Aging skin produces less collagen, resulting in lines and wrinkles and a general thinning of the skin all over the body. Aging skin care products add extra moisture, collagen and vitamins essential to repair damaged skin. Aging skin care focuses on restoration, not maintenance.

The marketing of beauty skin care products is big business for a reason, most of the population is not pleased with the idea of letting nature take its course. We use beauty skin care products to try to beat back the hands of time and feel better about our appearances. America may very well be obsessed with beauty skin care products and the quest for eternally youthful skin.
Mike Selvon is the owner of various niche portals.

Our skin care product portal is a great resource for more information on beauty skin care. Visit our skin care blog and leave a comment.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Natural Beauty and Skin Care Tips by Drinking Water

By KP Yang

Do you know what water is the natural skin care for you? Do you know that drinking sufficient water can improve you skin appearance, making your skin smoother and more vibrant?
We all want smooth, soft, unblemished skin. There are many people now rely solely on just commercial skin care, plastic surgery or heavy cosmetic in order to look beautiful. This are not necessary true.

Water is the best natural skin care ingredients that our body needs.
Many people do not drink sufficient water as they are afraid of water retention. Some people do not drink enough water as they are too busy at work and do not have time to drink. These are all not healthy and very wrong idea.
It is important that we provide sufficient water to hydrate our skin cell such that it looks smoother and firmer. If we drink water correctly, not only it will not have water retention, we will make us looks much beautiful.

Our body needs at least 1500 cc of water each day. It will be best if we can drink 2000 cc of water. Develop a habit of drinking two big glasses of water in the morning will help our body to flush out all the waste in our body after one whole night of rest. After which, drinking a few mouthful of water every hour can provide enough water to our body.
This is the best habit for natural skin can health care. Water is the ultimate beauty product; dehydrated skin looks older than it is. Drink lots to keep your skin looking younger and more vibrant.

I'm now drinking my eight glasses (2000 cc) a day now, and am already seeing the positive effects of having smoother skin. I never realized how I avoided drinking water because it always tasted so bad, but now I like it - it tastes great!

KP Yang is a skin consultant who is passionate about health and beauty. Visit his website at to know more about natural skin care products. To also more about tips about beauty, visit DR's Secret Blog
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