
Monday, November 12, 2007

Take Care of Your Inner Beauty

By Hifzur Rehman

Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful.
The business of beauty is thriving everywhere. Women are spending much of their time and money on buying beauty products. Even in the third world countries, women living below the poverty line, buy cheap and substandard beauty products, which give more harm to their skin than good.

It’s the fundamental right of every woman to look beautiful. Every woman wants to listen the sweet words “you are beautiful”. But the beauty of a woman is far from her looks or figure. Physical beauty is only one aspect while a beautiful charming personality is a complete blend of many fine characteristics such as good manners, etiquette, behavior, smile, intelligence, sense of humor, social and family values etc., all make a woman look beautiful and attractive.

Didn’t you know that there is a marked difference between a carefully hand woven expensive Persian carpet and a cheap machine made carpet. Both of these cannot be equated. A beautiful woman is like an elegant hand-knotted Persian carpet. Each and every silky, colorful thread of her character, nicely woven into her personality, gives a woman an everlasting beauty and attraction.

Looks are very important indeed but the characteristics of a person are much more important. Besides taking care of your physical beauty, why not think of improving your inner beauty. The beauty which everyone admires is becoming a rare commodity these days. While on your way to a beauty parlor keep on thinking ways of improving your inner beauty.
Take care of yourself and take care of your inner beauty. No doubt you are a beautiful person.

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Hifzur Reman is the author of popular articles on self improvement. He is also the editor of his website: which is a great source of self-improvement related information on various aspects of life. A visit to his site will open the doors of happiness for you!
Hifzur Rehman © 2004 – All Rights Reserved
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Monday, November 5, 2007

Eye Beauty Care

By Juliet Cohen

Frequent rubbing of the skin or prolonged fatigue will cause eye bags. Over dryness and improper eye care will contribute to appearance of wrinkles and crows feet. Towards middle age, the eye area will droop slightly if untreated.

Do eye padding exercise to strengthen the eye area and improve its circulation around that area. Use your third and fourth finger on each hand, using lightly press and padded movements under your eyes start from inside and then out until you reach the temple and pressed for 10 seconds. Repeat a few times. Do it everyday, during application of eye gel, cream or serum, or whenever necessary without make up.

In today’s changing lifestyle and pattern, you notice some students as young as teenagers have started developing eye puffiness and dark circles which is not so common in the past.
Use eye care products to repair and treat your eye area. Use an eye product daily, add it into your daily skin care regime and start a weekly DIY (Do-it-yourself) intensive eye treatment at home. You may do it alone or together with your DIY home facial treatment.

Use cooling cucumber slices and place it on each eye, rest for 10 minutes. Remove and wash your eye area with clean water. You can also substitute with potato slices or cooling tea bags.
Instead of using vegetables, you can opt to use light weight eye gel masque. Apply around the eyes, rest and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash your eye area with clean water.

Apply a light weight eye gel around the eyes.
Do eye padding exercise to strengthen the eye area and improve its circulation around that area. Use your third and fourth finger on each hand, using lightly press and padded movements under your eyes start from inside and then out until you reach the temple and pressed for 10 seconds.
Your skin is still young and delicate. Do not use too strong eye products, use a gentle and mild eye product to de-puff your eye area.

Use cooling cucumber slices and place it on each eye, rest for 10 minutes. Remove and wash your eye area with clean water. You can also substitute with potato slices or cooling tea bags.
Pour rose floral water onto 2 facial cottons, place wet cottons onto each eyes covering the under eyes area. Leave it for 15 minutes. Rose floral water contains soothing properties and is suitable for sensitive skin.

Use a light weight eye gel or cream masque which does not cause milia seeds or oil seeds. Apply around the eyes, rest and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash your eye area with clean water.
Use ready made at the counter eye pads masque. Leave it on eye area for 10-15 minutes or as instructed. Remove and wash your eye area with clean water after that.

Apply a light weight eye gel or cream around the eyes.
Do eye padding exercise to strengthen the eye area and improve its circulation around that area. Use your third and fourth finger on each hand, using lightly press and padded movements under your eyes start from inside and then out until you reach the temple and pressed for 10 seconds.

Your eye problems are not critical yet. Therefore, do not go for oil based, rich and nourishing eye care products provided you have a dry skin texture
Juliet Cohen writes articles for beauty makeup blog and eye makeup tips. She also writes articles on makeup tips.
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Friday, August 31, 2007

Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

By Natalie Aranda

As we all get older we seem to lose that youthful glow that we once had. There are many factors fighting against us to keep our youthful looking skin including, sun, wind, the foods we eat, or the lack of hydration our skin so desperately needs.
Quite a few skin care products can help us keep our skin looking better than ever, however, without proper skin care treatment, all the skin care products in the world will not help. To look your best and provide your skin with anti aging skin care you should turn to natural skin care and all natural products.

Let’s begin by first looking at your overall daily routine. You need eight hours of sleep, stay out of the sun as much as possible, use a good all natural moisturizer and above all else drink plenty of water. It is recommended in order to have youthful healthy looking skin the best anti aging skin care starts with eight glasses of water per day.

Exposure to the sun makes our skin dry and weather beaten. If you must be out in the sun, use sunscreen and moisturizers for natural skin care. Read the label, though, you do not want any product that has any type of alcohol in it; alcohol will dry the skin causing it to age as well.

One of the best skin care treatments you can add to your anti aging skin care routine is the use of moisturizers. Our skin loses water constantly and if you are like most people you do not enjoy drinking gallons of water in order to keep your skin hydrated. This is the reason you should use moisturizers every day. You should apply an all-natural moisturizer to your face before you apply any type of make-up.

When you are searching for the best anti aging skin care, you will of course look for anti aging products. The best products for skin care treatment that aid in anti aging are ones that include antioxidants. Antioxidants aid our skin by protecting the collagen and the elastin that we need to keep our skin feeling firm and supple.

The overall thing to remember with all skin care treatment including anti aging skin care is that what you put into your body will show on the outside. You should eat a proper diet and healthy foods. Eating well-balanced meals and nutritional foods will give your skin a healthy glow especially when you remember to drink plenty of water.

Natalie Aranda writes about health, beauty and fitness. Quite a few skin care products can help us keep our skin looking better than ever, however, without proper skin care treatment, all the skin care products in the world will not help. To look your best and provide your skin with anti aging skin care you should turn to natural skin care and all natural products.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fight Aging With Proper Antiaging Skin Care Treatment

By Low Jeremy

Physical appearance usually becomes the innermost reflection of people, their lifestyles, and their personalities today. In a world where physical beauty matters, it’s not surprising that more and more people look for products that would maintain or even enhance their beauty.

One of the worst physical flaws people—especially women—consider is the occurrence of wrinkles and other visible signs of aging. And since they are more concerned about their physical appearances, women are more enthusiastic in trying different sorts anti-aging skin care treatments and products.

They are more into using products and availing of treatments that would protect their skin against the aging effects of the environment.

Studies show that the first thing you need to do if you think your skin is being damage by aging is to provide the it with the essential nutrients it needs and take care of it by using proper anti-aging skin care treatments.

Most dermatologists also agree that a person can help minimize skin aging and damage caused by years of being exposed to chemicals, free radicals in the body, and several environmental factors by discovering anti-aging skin care treatment or wrinkle free skin care that can give them younger looking and healthier skin.

With the help of modern science and technology, having a flawless skin is still possible today despite the environment damages the skin endures. Most experts agree that people can minimize premature aging of skin by arming themselves with knowledge about the aging process, its causes, and look for possible natural solutions like going back to healthy living by doing regular exercise, having balanced diet and developing a healthy lifestyle.

But if these natural options can no longer work, various anti-aging skin care treatments and programs are available in the market today. Here are some anti-aging skin care treatments and products that can help you regain that youthful look:
1. Anti-wrinkle creams. The use of anti-wrinkle creams is probably the best anti-aging skin care treatment there is. Various anti-wrinkle creams that have powerful antioxidants prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.

The use of such creams also help protect the skin against harmful free radicals in the body, the harmful effects of cosmetics, environmental damages. By using high-grade herbs and ingredients as major components, anti-wrinkle creams can minimize the spread of existing wrinkles and age spots by tightening the skin.

2. Anti-aging moisturizers. Since the ingredients of moisturizers penetrate deeply into the skin, the use of anti-aging moisturizers will help lessen the visible signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and sun spots. These moisturizers also all to the skins hydration level depending on the person’s skin.

3. Anti-aging sunscreens. With today’s global warming, it is a must that people wear sunscreen or sun block to avoid the harsh rays of the sun. If you want to maintain a younger looking skin, look for anti-aging sunscreens that are suited for your skin type.

4. Antioxidants. Antioxidants—through the use of vitamins or by eating foods that have high anti-oxidant content—can help your skin cells bind the free radicals that usually cause aging or death of skin cells.

5. Exfoliants. When you reach the age of 30, the capability of your skin to exfoliate decreases. This is why it is quite important to avail of an external form of exfoliation to keep skin renewing itself.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Skin Care, please visit
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Beauty Tips For Winter

By Juliet Cohen

Winter is a part of the weather. Winter weather along with indoor heating strips the skin of its natural oils and moisturizing factor-even the oiliest of skin types. Winter is around and this season is generally not a favourite of many; mainly because it is harsh on the skin. Many of the dry skin conditions that victimize us in the winter can be alleviated. Cleanse the face and body with warm water instead of hot water. Hot water and steam tends to have a drying effect when used too frequently and/or for lengthy periods of time. There are many ways to exfoliate our skin, but too many to mention here. Natural and synthetic (polyethylene beads) scrubs, face and body sponges/loofahs/brushes, and alpha hydroxy acid products with a concentration of 10% or less are all considered safe for at-home use on a regular basis.

Take anti-oxidants to protect your skin. Buy them at a reputable health food store. Eat an Avocado once a week for the essential fatty acids it contains. Take flax seed oil pills or add it to food or drink and/or top your cereal or salad with fresh ground golden flax seeds. Flax seeds also have essential fatty acids. Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids. This is the time to Layer your Sensitive Skin Essential Oil with Seawater and Marine Lotion, followed immediately with the Special Reserve cream. It takes time to be absorbed into your skin, so be patient; The results are truly beautiful. Use the Hydrating Gel Mask at least 3 times per week to protect your skin from the elements.

Keep your eye and wrinkle cream in your pocket book and apply it during the day around your eyes and lips. Drink a lot of water and keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy can be even tougher during the blah months of winter. Use an extra layer of blankets instead. Use a humidifier for the duration of the winter, but make sure you clean it very often because it could harbor bacteria. .Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids. During winters, Smokey eyes are looked very beautiful and best than other eye makeup. During winter season use black mascaras after using eyeliner. A little sheen can be used on eyes for getting some change. These shades are used on lips for looking voluptuous. People should use matt-based foundation during winters.

Winter Beauty Tips
1. A little sheen can be used on eyes for getting some change. These shades are used on lips for looking voluptuous.
2. People should use matt-based foundation during winters.
3. Always use moisturizer or foundation with sun protection factor before going outside during the day in winter.
4. During winters, Smokey eyes are looked very beautiful and best than other eye makeup.
5. During winter season use black mascaras after using eyeliner. One can use shades of Aubergine for mascaras.
6. One can also use waterproof mascaras in dark brown shade.
7. In winters, always use tinted lip balms in blackberry, red currant tones and blackberry.
8. For winter makeup, women should use tinted powder with little shimmer.
9. Use small quantity of skin-priming moisturizers on the face and neck.
10. Use of night cream will be heavy during winter season.
11. Drink a lot of water and keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy can be even tougher during the blah months of winter.
12. Try not to sleep with the heat on high because of the drying effect that it has on your sinuses and your skin.
13. Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for anti aging tips and free beauty tips. For more information on beauty visit our site at
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Friday, August 24, 2007

Beauty Secrets - More Than Just a Scent

By Anna Woodward

The beauty product market has reached a saturation point and now customers find it difficult to select among the various products that are available. From female fragrances to the body massage lotion that suits them best, it is certainly difficult to make choices when so many options are available. In this respect, certain online providers are aiming to tackle this by coming up with an original idea of helping customers order products that are either their favorite or that can be created according to the person’s personality and preferences.

Many decades ago, people longed for a fancy fragrance in a crystal bottle, today the designers of perfumes have much more to provide before anyone will buy their products. They have to learn how to differentiate themselves and brand themselves so that they don’t have to compete on price. One way that some companies have chosen to differentiate is based on the health benefits of their products. Some are manufactured using vitamins, minerals and botanical extract cocktails. These are the kind of ingredients that can make a product effective and appealing today.

Specially designed so as to fully satisfy the senses of touch and smell, body massage lotion, such as those created by Vinci&Rakos, are innovative and also increasing in popularity for many reasons. One of these reasons is that nowadays people expect more from a fragrance than merely a smell; they also expect healing qualities and factors that will improve their overall look and feel.

Is this why so many women are willing to spend big when it comes to beauty care? Not only are they improving how they look now, but also how they will age in years to come. For many this is a good enough reason to spend big, not least for those that don’t have enough time in the day, or enough money in their purse, to go and visit a beautician.

With the increase in people looking to buy products online, the beauty care market has evolved in the way it competes to win custom. One of these ways is through adding a personalized touch to their service. One such innovative company now makes formulas for products based on exactly what their customer needs. Here is an example; a woman is allergic to chlorine, has wrinkles and also likes a light and aromatic smell that matches her personality. This company will develop a product that is specifically catered for her needs and send it out to her in the post within a week of her placing her order.

Although this has yet to become widespread, it could certainly shape the way that beauty care is headed in the future. This is what happens when a market economy gets free reign to do what it wants; products and services evolve as everyone chases greater good for themselves. The world of perfume and beauty is no different from anything else. People demand to smell nice and look good, they can easily achieve this by shopping online.

For more information about Women Fragrances, body gift baskets Vinci & Rakos and body massage lotion, visit Vinci & Rakos at
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Be Attractive With Aromatic Beauty Products

By Anita R Choudhary

Worried about beauty products may contain synthetic colors, fragrance and chemicals, that might hurt your sensitive skin?
You may be right as they may damage your natural beauty and skin. When you shift to an herbal way of life, using natural organic aromatic products may give you natural solutions to beauty and skin care. You will enhance your beauty with the natural ingredients. Essential oils may be the best solution for all your skin and beauty problems. Also known as cosmetic aromatherapy, specified essential oils are used to clean the skin while moisturizing it simultaneously.

Recently, there has been an increase in the awareness about natural products both body and beauty care, with the result that essential oils have gained popularity as being a part of the beauty products. You can get all the benefits of aromatic beauty products even if you stay home. In case, you want a facial steam, just add a few drops of the aromatic oil in the hot water and you will get the best perfumed, aromatic face steam ever. Not only will your facial skin get exfoliated and refreshed, you will smell nice the whole day without any synthetic fragrance.

For lustrous hair, add a few drops of your preferred aromatic oil to your shampoo. Some essential oils have the ability to enhance the hair condition and add bounce to your hair. You can even get an aromatic beauty foot bath, which may refresh you and leave you with no signs of the stress of the hectic day that you must have spent. Just add a few drops of your preferred aromatic oil to a basin of hot water and soak in luxury!

Wellness centers and health facilities have incorporated alternate means of relieving stress in your life. No longer synthetic fragrance are poured to rejuvenate your skin but use of only aromatic beauty products are used for skin and body care. The latest craze is aromatic massage where a professional masseur mixes a combination of aromatic oil and uses it for a relieving massage.

A massage had dual benefits- eliminating aches and pains while aromatic oils distress your mind completely. You will never forget the experience!
You can even do it home by adding 5 to 10 drops of your favorite aromatic oil in almond oil or any natural oil and then just give yourself a self massage. You will have a supple skin, aromatic smell and the pain shall also go away. Why are you still waiting? Try it out today and see the benefits.

Anita R writes for Skin-Products-Store.COM that provides information on all aspects of finding Aromatic Beauty Products. The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT! You can find more details and tips about skin care in our education center.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Celebrity Skin Care

By B. Padnos

Celebrity Skin Care
Celebrity Managers give the utmost importance to Skin Care. Celebrity faces make the cover and front pages of the world's best glossies and print. Their bodies grace the hotspots in print publishing across the world. Their lives occupy most of the pages in any popular magazine.
Whenever a celebrity endorses a skin care regimen or product it is bound to capture the imagination of millions of admirers and fans. Celebrities have become brand ambassadors, spokeswomen and spokespersons to leading manufacturers of cosmetics, beauty care products, apparel, perfumes etc., all over the world.

Lasting radiance of lingering beauty
Rachel Hunter is one of the most loved faces across the world. Beautiful, gifted and determined, Cover girl for Estee Lauder, People, Sports Illustrated, Revlon, Pantene and brand ambassador for beauty care and cosmetic products, she has epitomized lasting beauty for decades. One of the 'Most Admired Women' according to a British Poll she is also one of the most photographed international cover models.
Rachel Hunter now a spokesperson for Dermacia Breathable Foundation has these words to say about the new path-breaking foundation: "After a few hours makeup starts getting cakey and dry and I find that with Dermacia it just still feels fresh... even into the afternoon... and you don't have to go back and refresh it, so it just feels really light and still kind of that nice dewey look and the coverage is awesome... Especially if I've got a meeting at night or something, to go from set to dinner and it still looks the same. You can freshen up if you need to, but I found that I really don't need to." - Rachel Hunter, 26 February, 2006

Dermacia - what celebrities recommend
Dermacia is a "breathing" foundation that allows flow of air and moisture into and away from the face. While most makeup is like a 'mask' on the skin, Dermacia breathes, breathes life into skin like never before.
It's healing properties and gentle effectiveness and applicability even in the face of acne, eczema and rosacea has inspired even plastic surgeons recommend it in the operating room directly after surgery.

For More Details: Dermacia Skin care at its best at !. This Article is Originally Published here:
Ben Padnos is an Internet Enterpreneur based in Manhattan Beach, California and enjoys writing on various subjects. You can reach him at DONE! SEO Services.
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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Should You Invest In Beauty Skin Care?

By Mike Selvon

Many consumers purchase massive quantities of beauty skin care products every year in an effort to find a few drops from the ever-elusive fountain of youth. Aging customers place their hopes of a youthful appearance in the hands of beauty skin care specialists and dermatologists, subjecting themselves to torturous treatment and expensive solutions in their quest for beauty. Others are content to age gracefully and keep their hard earned money, showing little concern for signs of aging that are written across their wrinkled faces, necks and hands. These brave souls wear their wrinkles as badges of honor, a testimony of a life lived to the fullest and without regrets. Beauty skin care products for them are as useless as a lifetime supply of toenail clippings.

Many consumers pin their hopes of remaining youthful on anti aging skin care products. In all honesty, lifestyle, diet, exercise habits and genetics play a much larger role in determining how well we age than any anti aging skin care products ever can aspire to. Anti aging skin care products can, however, help erase a few small signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. They can lighten dark age spots and smooth out an uneven complexion.

Aging skin care differs from caring for young skin drastically. Youthful skin replenishes its own moisture and nutrients to a great extent. Aging skin produces less collagen, resulting in lines and wrinkles and a general thinning of the skin all over the body. Aging skin care products add extra moisture, collagen and vitamins essential to repair damaged skin. Aging skin care focuses on restoration, not maintenance.

The marketing of beauty skin care products is big business for a reason, most of the population is not pleased with the idea of letting nature take its course. We use beauty skin care products to try to beat back the hands of time and feel better about our appearances. America may very well be obsessed with beauty skin care products and the quest for eternally youthful skin.
Mike Selvon is the owner of various niche portals.

Our skin care product portal is a great resource for more information on beauty skin care. Visit our skin care blog and leave a comment.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Natural Beauty and Skin Care Tips by Drinking Water

By KP Yang

Do you know what water is the natural skin care for you? Do you know that drinking sufficient water can improve you skin appearance, making your skin smoother and more vibrant?
We all want smooth, soft, unblemished skin. There are many people now rely solely on just commercial skin care, plastic surgery or heavy cosmetic in order to look beautiful. This are not necessary true.

Water is the best natural skin care ingredients that our body needs.
Many people do not drink sufficient water as they are afraid of water retention. Some people do not drink enough water as they are too busy at work and do not have time to drink. These are all not healthy and very wrong idea.
It is important that we provide sufficient water to hydrate our skin cell such that it looks smoother and firmer. If we drink water correctly, not only it will not have water retention, we will make us looks much beautiful.

Our body needs at least 1500 cc of water each day. It will be best if we can drink 2000 cc of water. Develop a habit of drinking two big glasses of water in the morning will help our body to flush out all the waste in our body after one whole night of rest. After which, drinking a few mouthful of water every hour can provide enough water to our body.
This is the best habit for natural skin can health care. Water is the ultimate beauty product; dehydrated skin looks older than it is. Drink lots to keep your skin looking younger and more vibrant.

I'm now drinking my eight glasses (2000 cc) a day now, and am already seeing the positive effects of having smoother skin. I never realized how I avoided drinking water because it always tasted so bad, but now I like it - it tastes great!

KP Yang is a skin consultant who is passionate about health and beauty. Visit his website at to know more about natural skin care products. To also more about tips about beauty, visit DR's Secret Blog
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Monday, July 30, 2007

Bridal Beauty Secrets - Hair Care and Nail Care

By Natalie Aranda

The wedding ceremony is the most special and important moment in a woman's life. Since the very moment after the bride and groom have officially announced their engagement, wedding planning starts. Planning for the wedding is often taken cared by an experienced wedding planner - from wedding flowers, wedding music, wedding cakes, food. The bride will prepare months before for her big day to look picture-perfect. Bridal makeup tips, along with the proper hair care, skin care and nail care are the basics to look and feel that way.

Hair care continues as an ordinary activity for women who desire healthy and radiant hairs, but it needs particular attention in accordance to the different wedding hairstyles. It is highly advisable to make the definite selection based on your wedding dress, face shape and personality. Diet and lifestyle reflect in both your skin and your hair too. The healthier your diet, the more beautiful you will look. Hair care should include a treatment with olive oil applied only on the hair's ends at bedtime and washing it off the next morning. Trim your hair every 4 to 5 weeks even if you are growing it for an updo, and do not brush it when it is wet. If you are fascinated by a undo or long hairstyle and don’t have time to grow, you can create instant beautiful hair styles with hair extensions. You should always wash, condition and moisturize your hair, including your human hair extension every 2 to 3 days. Your hair extensions will not receive the natural scalp oils so you will need to add moisturizing to your routine. The other option is to wear a lace front wig which could give you a beautiful long hairs too. Lace front wigs come in different length, color and styles, so choose the one that fits your wedding gown best.

If a hairstyle highlights your face, elegant fingernails will highlight your hands. You will have so many opportunity to show off your nails on the wedding day. Nail care should start at least a few weeks before the wedding day if it’s not part of your beauty care routines. Nailtiques is a relatively new yet very effective therapeutic system proven to prevent nails from peeling, breaking or splitting. What is different from other nail care products is that It promotes natural nail growth. After a few weeks of treatment, you’ll notice the improvement in the condition of your nails, cuticles and hands. Rejuvacote is another nail polish product that will heal common nail problems and grow nails stronger in two or three weeks. To get the best results while applying Rejuvacote, you top your polish with another coat of Rejuvacote to add strength and shine, or cover it with a layer of color polish for extra beauty.

Natalie Aranda writes on health and beauty. If a hairstyle highlights your face, elegant fingernails will highlight your hands. Nail care should start at least a few weeks before the wedding day if it’s not part of your beauty care routines. Nailtiques is a relatively new yet very effective therapeutic system proven to prevent nails from peeling, breaking or splitting. What is different from other nail care products is that It promotes natural nail growth. Rejuvacote is another nail polish product that will heal common nail problems and grow nails stronger in two or three weeks. To get the best results while applying Rejuvacote, you top your polish with another coat of Rejuvacote to add strength and shine, or cover it with a layer of color polish for extra beauty.
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Monday, July 9, 2007

Beauty Care - Antiperspirants

By CD Mohatta

Perspiration and body odor have been of concern for many of us who wish to present a beautiful body to others. Here it is important to note that deodorants and antiperspirants are not the same. Deodorants hide the smell with fragrance. They don't dry the perspiration at all. They also don't prepare the skin for not perspiring. Deodorants will not keep you dry. They will make you feel good with their fragrance and hide body odor.

For keeping yourself dry you have to use antiperspirants. An antiperspirant blocks the sweat ducts and does not allow the sweat from reaching the skin surface. Aluminum chloride has been a choice ingredient in antiperspirants. Many new aluminum compounds are now being used as active ingredients in antiperspirants and the newest is Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Glycine.

The ideal antiperspirant should be water soluble, free of any fragrance and contain ingredients that are not normally allergy forming. As the areas where antiperspirants are usually y applied such as underarm, is moist and warm, with skin layers upon layers and having thin epidermis, the ideal antiperspirant should be highly non irritating for most of the users. it should also not leave any deposit after drying.

If you have any allergy to fragrances, dyes, contact, please use antiperspirants with care. Diabetics should use these products after consulting their doctor. If you have sensitive skin or have tendency for eczema, please consult your doctor before using antiperspirants.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit Doctor Good Skin for more information about how to have good skin. The author also writes for quizzes on personality, relationships and career at Fun Quiz Cards. Lastly the author writes for free ecards on topics like holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations, etc.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Beauty - Is It Really Only Skin Deep?

We are in the age of cosmetology, plastic surgery, implants and a constant barrage from TV and magazines that want to sell us beauty and weight loss products. It is an enormously profitable industry that keeps us spellbound for the next new thing that will take away our wrinkles or firm our skin or help us lose weight.

Unfortunately society all over the world from the deepest, most remote areas of the planet to modern society will judge you by how you look. It is true! We all do it, some more than others. When you are walking through a mall or standing in line somewhere you are assessing people around you. When we are looking for a job we dress to impress. When we go out for an evening we dress to impress. Women usually pay more attention to detail then men.

But there is more to beauty then cosmetics and clothes. If you are very healthy looking then you are more likely to give a good impression. If you are a good listener, helpful or witty and cheerful, people are more likely to want to be around you. Cosmetics and clothing can definitely help but I suggest starting from the inside out.

1) Get plenty of sleep. This is a must. You cannot function properly when you are tired and it will show on your face. If you have a problem with getting enough sleep then you need to investigate the cause and handle it accordingly.

2) Drink plenty of water. Most people are semi dehydrated and don't get enough water daily.

3) Eat healthy food. Give up the junk and sugar foods. Your metabolism will be working better if you eat regular healthy meals.

4) You may want to consider taking supplements to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

5) Exercise. Our bodies need to move. We have become somewhat of a couch potato society. Have you noticed that when you are lazy you are less likely to want to get up and do anything? Exercising 30 minutes three times a week should help you lose weight and keep healthy.

6) Manicures and pedicures and keeping your body clean will keep you healthy and will be appreciated by others.

7) Keep up with the times on fashion. You don't want the outdated look.

8) Dress for your age. At 12 you don't need to look 20, or if your 50, you don't need to look 18. Be well dressed for your age.

9) If you need help with hair and makeup, find an expert to help you with that.

10) And finally, smile. No one really cares to be near Mr. or Mrs. Grumpy.

Some people naturally do all or most of these things, but if you aren't one of them then look at what would motivate you to do this. Do you have a spouse you want to look good for? Are you single and want to attract someone? Do you have children or grandchildren you want to be healthier and be a good role model for?

There is an awesome motivational poster that inspired me to write about this subject. Get healthy, and be happy.

Willie Jones
Willie is a freelance writer, researcher, floral designer, and artist. Thanks very much for reading this far. "Make sure you enroll in the free motivational poster drawing at All winners receive a free framed print."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Beauty Doesn't Have To Be Expensive

Where do you buy your beauty supplies? If you buy them from a department store- you are paying way too much! I was a department store buyer for many years. I was hooked on a particular brand, and I thought that the products were only available at the department store. I was wrong. With a little bit of time and research, I was able to shave off 50% of my beauty supply bill. Imagine what you could do with the extra money. The process is actually really simple. All you have to do is find the right websites.

Many of us are hooked on a particular brand of beauty supplies. We have used them for years, and love the way that they make us look and feel. The price tag however isn't very pretty. Try doing a search online for your favorite beauty products. You may find that auction sites such as have really good deals. Make sure to find out about shipping and return policies. I am a sucker for a free shipping deal, so try to find them whenever possible. You may also be able to purchase the product directly from the manufacturer's website. Look for online promotions that will give you discounts on the items you buy most. Coupon sites can give you even better discounts, so shop around.

If you are feeling adventurous and want to try a new cheaper brand, have no fear. Most websites will include a list of ingredients for all of their products. You can then compare this list with products that you have tried before. Look for products that have natural ingredients. If you can't produce anything on the label, chances are its not a good deal. There are many companies that focus on creating cheap designer knock-offs, so you may get a fragrance or cologne for much less than the name brand.

Buying beauty supplies online can be a lot of fun. You will be amazed at the level of savings, and pleased with the final product. Try getting together with friends and family members to compare beauty regimens. You may find a new product or item that you cannot live without. Always remember- beauty doesn't have to be expensive!

Melanie Breeze, avid online shopper and user of CouponChief, is always shopping around for the best deals. You can find beauty supply bargains and savings available around the web at CouponChief, all in one location. Always find an online coupon 1st before making ANY purchase!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Beauty Consultant On Skin Care Basics

If you're like many women you are confused about how to choose the proper skin care. Or maybe you have some knowledge of what is available but you are not sure what is a good choice for you. Cosmetics come in many forms and deciding which is good for you is often a matter of personal taste. However, in order to make a good decision here is some basic information that you should know.

Cleansers: Are used to cleanse the skin of impurities and restore it to its natural oil balance.
Types of Cleansers
#Soap: Almost everyone uses it. If you have dry or oily skin be sure your soap is helping correct the problem. Medicated soaps are meant for acne and problem skin, hypoallergenic soaps are meant for sensitive skin and there are drying soaps for oily skin and oily soaps for dry skin. If you have problem skin it is best to see a dermatologist.
#Liquid Cleansers: Are made for all types of skin. A good cleanser goes deep into the pores to loosen and lift excess oil and makeup.
#Creams: Are used for dry skin
#Pad Cleansers: Are thick wad of absorbent material and are good for touch ups throughout the day.
#Grains: Are coarse cleansers that are used for oily skin

Refreshers: Are used to complete the cleansing process. They help tone; sooth and rehydrate the skin keep complexions clear and clean.
Types of Refreshers:
#Astringents: Are meant for oily and normal skin types. They usually have alcohol as an ingredient that will stimulate the complexion and close the pores. This is not a product to use on dry skin.
#Toners: Are mild refreshers and are meant for normal and dry skin.
#Fresheners: Are recommended for dry, sensitive or problem skin.
Moisturizers: Replenishes moisture and nourishes the skin.
Types of Moisturizers:
#Moisturizers for normal skin: Helps maintain the moisture in normal skin.
#Moisturizers for dry skin: Helps restore skin's natural moisture balance.
#Oil Control Moisturizers: Help control excess oil and prevent blemishes
#Emollients: Are rich creams suited for extra dry skin that replenishes the natural supply of the skin's oil. This moisturizing cream forms a protective shield that minimizes moisture evaporation and allows increased hydration of dry areas.
Masks: Exfoliates dead surface cells as it hydrates and moisturizes the skin.
Types of Masks:
#Facial Masks for normal to dry skin: Help relax facial muscles and remove dry flaky skin.
#Facial Masks for oily skin: Refines skin's texture and deep cleans to help control surface sebum.
#Pore Packs: Are designed to eliminate blackheads and reduce blemishes. Mostly used for oily skin.
#Foundation Protection: Foundation protects the skin by keeping moisture in and dirt out with the added benefit of a flawless finish. This is a step that some women skip because they don't quit know how to apply it and are not getting the right look. A couple of suggestions: make sure you have the type that is compatible with your complexion, test the color on your jaw line and it should be the same color as your complexion and make sure you have exfoliated (if not the foundation will show up as flaky).

Types of Foundation:
Full Coverage: used for normal to dry skin for extra hydration.
Medium Coverage: used for normal to oily skin.
Whatever your skin type take care of it by keeping it clean. Cleanse, tone and moisturize every morning and every night. Irregular or improper cleansing causes skin problems and makeup that is left on the skin will dull the skin's surface; while oil and dead skin cells will clog the pores and cause blackheads.
About The Author
Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches women how to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type. Visit her at to download a copy of her e-book Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Welcome To ... The New and Improved You!

(Taken from 1001 Beauty Tips site)

*Do You Want Clear, Smooth Skin?
Complete recipes for homemade masks, cleansers and scrubs for dry to oily skin. Plus tips and tricks for healthy skin.

*Your own at home spa.
Try our soothing bath recipes to smooth and soften your skin and give you back that youthful glow.

*Clear-up Acne and Blemishes Fast!
You don't have to suffer with it anymore. Full body treatments for clear skin.

Step-by-step Make-up tips to bring out Your Best Features.
*Heavenly Hair Treatments:
Is your hair looking flat or frizzy or oily? We have help for it. You can have shiny, healthy hair. Is your hair a mess? Try these fantastic hair treatments for dandruff, oily hair, dry hair, flat or limp hair and have shiny, luxurious locks.

*Strong finger nails and soft hands and feet.

Weight Loss and Motivational Tips and Secrets:
Achieve that sleek slender figure you have always wanted.
Exercise: Routines for bust, abs, hips, buttocks, thighs, calfs and arms. Mold your body to the shapeliest figure and start turning heads.
Complete head to toe body message techniques to relax and rejuvenate your body and spirit.
45 yummy smoothie recipes to give you energy and build your perfect healthy body. Plus Protein Bar Recipes.
How to Boost your self-esteem and energize your mind and spirit.
Over 200 tips and tricks for Losing extra pounds and keeping them off for a lifetime!
And Much More!! Visit 1001 Beauty Tips now!

Beauty Basics - Eight Tips For Naturally Beautiful Skin

Not sure what to look for when choosing cosmetics? Need some advice on taking care of your skin? Here are eight tips to help your skin look and feel it's best.

1)Select moisturizers made with vegetable oils.
The lotions, creams and body oils that you use should be made with vegetable oils, not mineral oil. Vegetable oils, (like olive oil, sweet almond oil, corn oil, etc.) contain fatty acids which help to moisturize and soften the skin. Mineral oil is derived from petroleum and does not contain anything that helps to nourish the skin.

2)Look for herbs and herbal derivatives in your cosmetics.
Herbs and their derivatives (essential oils, extracts, infusions) contain natural chemicals which soothe, tone and help condition the skin. Two herbs which are especially useful in natural cosmetics are Lavender and Tea tree. The essential oils of both lavender and tea tree are gentle, natural antiseptics.

3)Once a week soak your feet in warm water, and gently exfoliate dead skin with a pumice stone. Follow up by moisturizing your feet with a natural foot oil or foot lotion.

4)Every week soak in a tub of bath salts. Salt, especially salts mined from the Dead Sea in the Middle East, are rich in minerals and help draw impurities out of the skin.

5)After a shower or bath, seal in moisture by using a body oil or lotion made from natural vegetable oils.

6)If you have blemishes and your skin is dry, moisturize your skin in the morning and at night with products that contain vegetable oils which are high in essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids help to soften and hydrate the skin and they can also help soothe minor irritations. Vegetable oils that contain large amounts of essential fatty acids are: corn oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil, borage oil, blackcurrant seed oil and evening primrose oil.

7)Look for toners and astringents that are made without ethyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. These ingredients are solvents that are extremely drying to the skin.

8)Every time you wash your hands, moisturize them with a natural lotion or cream to help them stay soft.

Ololade Franklin publishes Making Good Scents(TM), a newsletter for people who make their own bath and body care products. For information about Making Good Scents(TM) visit

Anti-wrinkle Lifestyle Tips

Experts say that, when it comes to getting wrinkles, 10% is genetics -- but the other 90% is environment and lifestyle. This is great news! Why? Because it means that you have A LOT of control over your skin and how badly - and quickly - it wrinkles. In fact, you can begin today to make lifestyle changes that will literally save your skin and prevent wrinkles as long as possible.
Specifically, the following lifestyle tips are proven to protect and nurture your skin:
1. Protect your skin from the sun - Without a doubt, the sun is your skin's worst enemy. The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight causes the collagen and elastin in your skin to break down, which leads to premature wrinkles. One of the best lifestyle changes you can make is to wear a good sunscreen, everyday.

2. Don't smoke - The harmful toxins in cigarette smoke do all kinds of bad things to your skin, especially your facial skin. Not only does it break down collagen and elastin, just like sunlight does, but it also destroys your skin from the inside. You can't inhale toxins all day and expect your skin to be healthy. If you smoke, do whatever you have to do to quit. If you don't smoke, don't even think about starting!

3. Don't drink - Alcohol is not good for your skin. One or two drinks occasionally probably won't hurt. But if you're drinking every day, your skin definitely isn't going to be as healthy as it could be. Besides containing toxins, alcohol also dehydrates your body, which is never good for the skin. Old drinkers almost always have more wrinkles and "uglier" skin with more blotches than non-drinkers.

4. Get enough sleep - When you don't get enough sleep, for even one night, you look and feel horrible. But when you are chronically sleep-deprived your skin can literally begin to breakdown. Why? Because you aren't letting it repair itself. Your skin is your body's largest organ, and your body repairs its organs while your sleeping. Try going to bed earlier and at the same time every night. Also, you may want to try the natural supplement melatonin. Recent research shows that you only need about 0.3 mg to fall asleep and wake up without feeling groggy, much less than the 1 - 3 milligrams contained in most melatonin supplements.

5. Lower stress - Doctors have long known that stress has many negative effects on the body. Chronically high stress levels hurt the skin without a doubt. First, if you're always stressed out, you're probably not getting enough quality sleep (see above). Second, the stress hormones that are produced in a high-stress state are very damaging to your skin. Third, when you're stressed, your skin receives less blood flow because your body directs more of its blood to your internal organs, in an effort to prepare itself for "flight or fight" - the reason stress exists in the first place.

6. Eat antioxidants - Antioxidants boost your body's ability to fight free radicals and protect the skin from damage. Many of the new anti-wrinkle skin creams contain tons of antioxidant ingredients. Colorful fresh fruits and vegetables are some of your best sources of antioxidants. But you should also consider supplementing with extra vitamin C and vitamin E. Also, some people have gotten great "healthy skin" results with the new OPC dietary supplements.
Janie Roberts is a writer for the Anti-Wrinkle Guide. You can learn more about fighting wrinkles effectively by visiting:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Crazy Life And Pimples

The factors contributing to acne breakouts are many. Hormonal influences, environmental conditions, and stress can lead to the noticeable red inflammation that occupies our face, chest, and backs to various degrees.

It is estimated that 85% of the population in the United States will experience some form of acne at some point in their lives. Most commonly associated with teenagers who are undergoing severe hormonal changes, adults also suffer from acne flare-ups. For both groups, scientists are demonstrating a direct link between stress and acne.

While reported cases show that 80% of acne sufferers are teenagers, it is also documented that the remaining 20% of acne sufferers are adults. Adults are more likely to suffer from stress related acne than from environmental or hormonal causes, but teenagers dealing with academic demands, athletic rigors, and relationship issues are also susceptible to stress related acne.

It has been understood for some time now that acne is caused when oils secreted by the sebaceous gland beneath the skin combine with dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria to clog skin pores and cause an infection to develop, providing evidence that environmental factors can contribute to acne. This, though, offers no explanation for stress acne.

It has also been understood that hormonal changes such as those experience by teens or women during their menstrual cycle contributed to acne, but again this offers no explanation for stress acne.
While there has clearly been a correlation between stress and acne breakouts, until recently scientist have had a difficult time supporting the claim with scientific findings.

Our bodies react to stressful situations by triggering the central nervous system, which in turn sends signals to the rest of the body to ready the body to take action. A significant part of this preparedness is the release of hormones from our adrenal glands, such as cortisol and androgen. These hormones help to prepare us for our instinctive fight or flight response.
Additionally, it is now understood that as our body reacts to stress, fatty secretions in the sebaceous glands are released. This combination of hormonal influences and fatty secretions-known contributors to acne outbreaks-is sent into action by our own central nervous system, creating stress acne.

It is also known that during stressful periods, our bodies immune system is significantly weakened, resulting in slower healing of acne breakouts. The prolonged visible signs of acne can lead to more acne. Called an acne cycle, the anxiety produced by being self conscious about an acne breakout can create more stress and more acne.

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and currently provides information on treating acne, pimples, and zits, via an objective informational skincare website,

Monday, May 21, 2007

17 Top Tips For Great Holiday Hair

When you are away from home in a different climate your hair will be subjected to weather it is not used to.
Your hair needs to be protected in the same way that you do with your skin. UV rays are very harmful to your hair affecting the pigment, strength, shine and vitality.
For your skin you take with you cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and after-sun lotions so for your hair take shampoo, conditioner, hair sunscreen and styling products.

Cold Climate
1. Cold temperatures weaken your hair and susceptible to damage. Flyaway hair tends to be subject to static. Hair should be well conditioned and protected by wearing a hat.
2. If you have frizzy hair use a leave-in conditioner and take a deep moisturizing mask with you on holiday. All hair types will benefit from using a heat protection spray and serum to keep the elements out and keep the moisture in.

Humid climate
3. Hair expands just like it does when it is wet in a humid climate. This will make your hair fluffy or if it is curly, frizzy.
4. For all hair types, a pre-holiday deep conditioning treatment is a must to nourish the hair and seal the cuticles, as you want to prevent excess moisture from entering the hair shaft.
5. If you have fine hair use a light leave-in conditioner from mid-way down the hair to the ends and use a serum to seal the ends after blow-drying, being careful not to overdo the serum on fine hair.
6. If you have curly and/or frizzy hair then you need to seal the cuticle (the outside of your hair) to minimize the additional frizziness that results in humid weather.
7. Use a leave-in conditioner very morning. Use an anti-frizz serum to coat and seal the cuticle.

Hot and dry climate
8. The sun strips the hair of its natural oils and dry heat increases this effect. UV rays attack your hair and the resulting free radicals damage the hair. The weakened cuticle causes the hair to become dehydrated, allows the bleaching and fading of the color pigment as well as split ends.
9. To protect your hair 100% from sun damage wear a hat!
10. Deep conditioning your hair before your holiday is essential.
11. If you have fine hair use a wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and use a light leave-in conditioner with UV protection. Use a sun-protection spray containing a UV filter to screen your hair from the effects of the sun and seawater and re-apply after going in the sea.
12. If you have curly hair use a moisturizing shampoo and a leave-in conditioner to minimize dryness. Apply a nourishing hair mask whilst you are away to deep condition your hair. Use a sun-protection spray containing a UV filter to screen your hair from the effects of the sun and seawater and re-apply after going in the sea.
13. If you have frizzy hair use a sun-protection spray containing a UV filter to screen your hair from the effects of the sun and seawater and re-apply after going in the sea. Use a rich leave-in conditioner with UV protection each morning and apply a hair mask every other day during the holiday.
14. When you have been swimming in the sea always wash the salt out afterwards.
15. Chlorine from the swimming pool is extremely damaging when combined with the effects of the sun, wet your hair in the shower before hand and protect your hair with a leave-in conditioner preferably one containing a UV filter. Wash your hair thoroughly after swimming.
16. Hair grips and bands are an extremely useful item to have on holiday and offer a quick-fix solution for hair care problems.
17. Don't forget your travel plug to ensure that you can still use your hairdryer and other electric hairstyling equipment whilst abroad.

Bon Voyage!
Copyright © Skye Irwin,, 2005
This article is copyrighted. Please feel free to use it in it's entirety including copyright information and information about the publisher.
Skye Irwin operates the website HairCare Made Easy, you can get her Hair Care Made Easy book from

Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Beautiful Skin Is Every Man And Woman's Dream!

She was so upset that day. She could not concentrate on her work in office. Her friends started asking her what happened to her. Anything amiss? They wondered.

It was a conversation during breakfast when her husband remarked "Honey, my friend introduced his wife yesterday." "How does she look?" "She is slim and a bit fairer than you." Now she has started pondering on how can she can make her skin fairer and make it glow.

Beauty is an obsession of women of all ages for many centuries but how many women realise that beauty is skin deep?. External beauty does matter but the beauty of the inner soul obtains that extra glow in the skin. A not-so-looking-good violin produces wonderful music than a flashy new violin. Similar is the case of a beautiful woman who looks extremely beautiful with a make over.

Not all know that women who participate in beauty pageants have to pamper themselves for many number of days with creams and lotions and also be strict on diet and live on warm water and lemon juice most of the time. The make-up artists do an excellent work on the faces of the contestants by carving and chiseling a work of art on their faces to make their skin glow. But only when the show is over, and the artificial "everything" is removed from them do they realise how naturally beautiful they are.

The natural glow just happens if a woman has a beautiful smile, a kind heart, maintaining a good body and eat a proper diet and keep the inner soul beautiful and clean.

"If you're lookin' for a lover
don't judge a book by its cover
She may be fine on the outside
but so untrue on the inside."

Or it might be vice versa where she might not be fine on the outside but can be wonderful inside!

Not only women. Even men are becoming more conscious of their looks because women these days consider external beauty as one of the characteristics of a lover. The increase in the number of family saloons worldwide proves that the entire family wishes to appear good.
At the same time a value education on inner beauty is also needed to make them realise that a beautiful soul glows more than a beautiful skin!

HPriya Sivan

Thursday, May 17, 2007

15 Hair Care Myths - The Truth And The Lies

Everyone has a favourite myth about hair care - and we usually never let the truth get in the way of a good legend! This article examines some of the most widely known - and the reality behind the myths.

1. Excessive washing of hair causes hair loss/dryness.
FALSE: Frequency of washing doesn't harm hair. Wash it as often as you like, although the recommendation is three times a week. The right shampoo for your hair type and texture will actually add moisture, body and beauty to your hair.

2. More shampoo = cleaner hair.
FALSE: Don't waste your shampoo! A dollop of shampoo, about the size of a quarter is usually enough for long hair. Very long hair may take a little more.

3. Conditioner helps repair split ends.
FALSE: No conditioner can "repair" damaged hair. What it can do is smooth down the cuticle and make hair seem in better condition. A good conditioner can also prevent damage from occurring in the first place.

4. Blow-drying produces hair loss.
FALSE: Blow-drying can damage, burn or dry hair, which can cause it to fall, but the hair will grow back immediately. This is not permanent hair loss.

5. Sleeping with wet hair causes scalp fungus.
FALSE: Scalp or fungal diseases can't be caught from sleeping with wet scalps. Scalp infections require prior involvement with infected sources such as humans, tainted hair care tools or animals. Scalp fungus (tinea capitis) mainly affects children, whose immune systems make them more susceptible to skin infections.

6. To get your hair to grow, brush 100 strokes each day.
FALSE: Brushing that much can damage the hair cuticle. NOT recommended! Actually, your hair reacts better to a comb than a brush. Brushing it will only lead to split ends and hair breakage.

7. Sharing combs and brushes can spread scalp diseases.
TRUE: Lice and other parasites can be transported from scalp to scalp through the sharing of combs, brushes and other hair care tools.

8. Cutting hair makes it grow faster and/or thicker.
FALSE: This common misconception comes from the fact that hair is thicker at the base than it is at the tip, so shorter hair appears thicker at first. Cutting your hair does not affect its normal biologically determined growth rate or overall texture. Thin, limp or fine hair will not ever grow thicker in response to a haircut. Plump up your hair by using volume enhancing hair care products, experimenting with a hair fattening blunt cut or getting a texturizing perm or color treatment.

9. Color treatment causes hair loss.
FALSE: Most hair coloring products contain chemicals that can do serious harm to the hair itself if not properly used, but it wont instigate hair loss.

10. Salon products are identical to drugstore products.
FALSE: Although there are exceptions, salon products generally contain higher quality, more expensive ingredients that are designed to consistently provide more intensive cleansing, moisturizing and conditioning results. The quality ingredients found in salon products are not usually found in drugstore brands. If in doubt - read the labels.

11. Long sun exposure favors hair loss.
FALSE: Your hair acts as a shield against the sun. Hair loss appears at the follicle level and so the sun would have to penetrate at this depth to do any damage.

12. Diet is related to hair loss.
TRUE: it's important to eat right in order to be generally healthy. However, no individual food has been proven to be beneficial or detrimental to hair.

13. Stress causes hair loss.
TRUE: Severe stress (e.g. surgery or a death in the family), can shut down hair production, causing temporary hairloss (alopecia areata). The scalp usually recuperates, though, and hair grows back.

14. Wearing tight braids, ponytails or buns causes baldness.
TRUE: Traction alopecia is a very real hair loss condition that is quite common amongst older African American women. It results from wearing tight ponytails, cornrows or buns over an extended period of time. Over time, hair breakage or loss as the result of tight, stressed styles, can become permanent. Avoid this potential problem by opting for looser styles that minimize scalp tension.

15. Smoking causes gray hair.
TRUE: According to J. G. Mosley of the Leigh Infirmary in Lancashire, England in an article in Science News (January 11, 1997) smokers are four times more likely to have gray hair than non-smokers. Even worse, smoking has been conclusively linked to accelerated hair loss.

Heard another myth about hair? Do your research - ask an expert! This doesn't include your grandmother, best friend or local barmaid. Instead, talk to an experienced hairdresser or a trichologist. Always get the real facts before you act on any hair myths - you owe it to your hair.
(With thanks to Daniel Mcullough and Karen M. Shelton)
Michael Barrows is a web publisher specialing in niche marketing. Pick up his FREE ebook "(Nearly) Everything You Should Know About Hairstyles and Hair Care" at his website:

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Age Spot Erasing Made Easy And Right From Your Own Kitchen

If you're anything like most baby boomers, after graying hair, poor eyesight, weight gain and wrinkles, age spots rank fifth on your list of aging nuisances. But you can find comfort in erasing those age advertisers right from your own kitchen.

What Causes Age Spots
To protect your skin against excessive sun exposure, your skin makes cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes create the dark brown pigment called melanin. The melanin makes your skin look darker or suntanned.
But sometimes, your typical day in the sun causes an uneven jump in melanocytes. This awkward production creates irregular coloring or pigmentation of the skin.
The resulting solar lentigines, or what most people call liver spots or age spots, can appear brown, black or gray. Age spots pop up on the areas of the skin most readily exposed to the sun, like the chest, back, face and hands.
Even youngsters can get age spots with too much unprotected sun exposure.

How to Avoid Age Spots Completely
Preventing age spots proves the best way to completely avoid them. This includes:
1. Avoiding intense sunlight hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
2. Wearing a hat and long sleeve shirt in the sun.
3. Applying sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapplying it every two hours.

Additionally, note that the sun and excess chemicals don't mix. For instance, most often in middle-aged women, might mistake irregular areas of reddish-brown pigmentation called poikiloderma for age spots.
Poikiloderma results from chronic sun exposure combined with sun-sensitive chemicals in cosmetics or perfume. Hence, poikiloderma most frequently appears on the side of the neck or on the cheeks.

Sunscreen Is More Potent Than You Thought
You may feel annoyed with the repeated advise of slathering yourself with sunscreen, but a study published in the October 14, 1993 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine gives you reason to appreciate your sunscreen an effective age spot eraser.
In the study, researchers found that among sunscreen users, those who rubbed on the most cream with the greatest regularity had the largest reduction in actinic keratoses.
Actinic keratoses (AKs) describe the rough, red, scaly patches, crusts or sores that measure anywhere from one-quarter to one-inch in diameter. Like most other age spots, you'll find actinic keratoses on body areas most readily exposed to the sun.

How To Minimize the Appearance of Age Spots
Eat your age spots away Research studies also reveal the benefits of eating your nutrients to reduce the appearance of age spots. The water-soluble pigment found in most vegetables, fruits, grain, flowers, seeds, leaves and bark, called flavanoid provides numerous antioxidant properties.
In research studies, flavanoids even prevented cancer formation in animals.
Likewise, you'll find age spot reducing properties in soy products. The protein extracts of soybean and soymilk contain several different estrogen-like substances called isoflavones. One study showed that soy isoflavones might lighten age spots.

Home Remedies
Erasing your age spots can begin right in your own kitchen. In Japan, the rice based drink, sake, serves as an age spot lightener when applied to the skin.
You can also use lemon juice to lighten age spots. Simply dab a cotton ball in freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply the liquid to the age spots twice daily- once in the morning and once in the evening. Warning: Lemon juice makes the skin photosensitive so ensure to protect your skin with sunscreen before enjoying the sunshine.
Pull a green papaya out of the fridge and use the fleshy side of the skin to reduce age spots. Just apply the papaya to the spots for 15-20 minutes daily and repeat until you attain the desire lightness.
Of course, since home remedies offer an inexpensive and gentle way to reduce age spots, they require time to see results- usually six to eight weeks.

What To Do Right Now To Stop Age Spots
Because age spots, poikiloderma and actinic keratoses can serve as warning signs for skin cancer, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends scheduling a professional skin examination each year.

You can find out how to give yourself a skin examination by visting Use this information now before your forget, because before you know it, the sixth aging nuisance for baby boomers- memory loss-will creep in on you.
Are looking for a natural way to get rid of acne? Naweko San-Joyz has created the only guide to deliver a natural acne cure as unique as you. Get yours at, Home of Six Billion Natural Cures for Acne

Friday, April 27, 2007

3 Easy Tips To Keep Your Skin Healthy

There are plenty of articles out there about what to do to make your skin look young again. But what if you still have it? How do young women keep their skin looking the way it is now well into the future? The following three easy tips can help you keep your youthful glow.

1. Use Sunscreen, Never Tan. It's hard for young women to resist the warm glow that a few hours of tanning can bring. But the damage that it does beneath the surface accumulates over time--ultimately leaving the skin dull and thin. By the time premature aging becomes evident, significant amounts of damage has taken place below the surface. Rather than a week of beauty, think of long-term beauty. If you really want to give your skin an added glow, try shimmering lotions and makeups. Or, for a darker look, try artificial tanners (but be careful, they can sometimes leave you looking more orange than tan). Don't forget that you can experience the damaging effects of the sun even if you aren't deliberately trying to tan. Make applying sunscreen part of your daily routine. Purchasing moisturizers with sunscreen already in them can help. Remember, only 15 minutes of sun exposure each day provides you with the vitamin D you need to stay healthy.

2. Eat the Right Foods. You've always heard the phrase "You are what you eat" and that is exactly right when talking about your skin! What you eat is not just relevant to your weight. It also affects the health of your skin. Clinical studies have shown that eating diets rich in fatty acids and antioxidants can help skin retain its youthful appearance. Foods good for your skin include fish, vegetables, whole grains and fruits including all kinds of berries. Antioxidants in the diet may help reduce the appearance of age spots. Fatty acids are one of the components of metabolic processes within the body that are also integral to the maintenance of healthy skin. Making these foods a part of your daily diet can benefit you for years to come.

3. Clean and Moisturize! Don't neglect your skin. For normal skin, a gentle daily cleanser is all you need. Using a washcloth needlessly pulls and tears at the skin. Cleanse your skin with your fingers using gentle, circular motions, paying particular attention not to stretch the delicate eye area. Moisturizing the skin is also important to protect it from the effects of the elements including wind, pollution, and sun (if it is a sunscreen moisturizure). Not only does it protect the skin from the outside, but also helps it to retain its natural moisture from the inside. Keep in mind that spending a lot of money is not necessary. If your skin is oily or you have a problem with acne, use products designed specifically for your skin type. You may want to consult a dermatologist to seek prescription treatments. Never attempt to pop your pimples. This will increase the size of your pores and possibly cause scaring.

Essentially, if your skin is young, value it! Taking simple precautionary steps can help keep it that way. Think of the benefits of having healthy skin in the future. Use sunscreen, eat healthy, and following a daily skin regimine. You don't need alot of money to keep your skin healthy. All it takes is common sense and good lifestyles choices.

Amie Gerlowski writes about skin care topics such as skin doctors and tanning. Learn more at

Thursday, April 26, 2007

7 Steps To Great Makeup

1. Avoid wearing too much
Makeup is meant to enhance features not bring negative attention to you. That's what wearing too much makeup will do; it will bring you unwanted attention. Don't wear too much of anything such as:
1. Eyeliner: dark, thick eyeliner will make you look overdone and will ruin the rest of your makeup.
2. Mascara: too much mascara looks fake and will flake. It looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye eye shadow.
3. Foundation: Make sure your foundation is the same color as your skin. Foundation is meant to protect and give the face a smooth look. The magic word is blend.
4. Powder: The same holds true for powder - not too much. Also, be sure to blend your makeup so there are no obvious lines.

2. Lips
Apply lip liner to completely cover the lips, add color and your lipstick will stay on much longer. Make sure your lip liner doesn't show. Also, your lip color should match your skin tone; wear cool colors if you have cool coloring and warm colors if you have warm coloring. If you want to make your lips look smaller, keep your liner on the inside of your lips. However, if you decide to make your lips look larger, going outside the natural outline of you lips is a mistake. This can look quite messy and unnatural.

3. Appropriate makeup
Wear makeup that is appropriate for the occasion. If you are going to the beach you shouldn't wear the same or as much makeup as you would if you were going dancing. Also, when you are in daylight your makeup should be a lighter than when you are out for the evening.

4. Too little or no makeup
Some women don't wear makeup because they are not sure how to use it and are afraid of being overdone. If you are unsure, start will light colours in your shade. Start slowly and add one product at a time. Maybe start with foundation, add mascara, blush or lipstick. If you are not used to wearing makeup, using a lot a first may be a little too much for you, so start slowly. The bottom line is a little is better than none. If you are still unsure seek professional advice.

5. Overall look
When your makeup is completed it should look natural. That means avoiding colours that clash. If you have dark skin and hair you will look better in darker shades; light colours will make you look washed out. If your hair and skin tone are light, light colours will look better on you. Dark makeup will make you look older and harsh. If you haveoily skin, first use oil control moisturizer and foundation. Then be sure to wear loose powder, keeping pressed powder with you for touch ups.

6. Hair color
Your hair color should also be in harmony with your skin. If you have dark hair and you want to add color, keep it close to the same shade. If you have light hair, use light colors. As you age your skin will lighten, so should your hair color. One last thing about hair color - if you do color you hair be sure you keep it up, don't let your roots show.

7. One last thing
Keep makeup looking fresh all day by doing regular touch ups. Don't let your makeup fade or crease. Smile!!!

Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches women how to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type. Visit her at to download a copy of her e-book Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.

Monday, April 23, 2007

9 Easy Steps To A Pedicure

Before putting on those sexy, comfortable open toe shoes make sure your feet skin is in good condition. With these easy nine steps you too will have silky feet. So go ahead get ready to do your own pedicure.
*Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes in warm water containing Epsom salt or foot soak.
*Use a pumice stone, exfoliating scrub to gently scrub the soles all over your feet and heel to remove dead skin.
*Dry your feet.
*Trim your toenails and push back cuticles.
*Rinse feet once again and pat dry.
*Massage feet with plenty of foot lotion. Body lotion, petroleum jelly or cream can be used to replace foot lotion.
*Wrap feet on plastic bags and cover for at least 15 minutes.
*Paint toe nails. Make sure to apply at least two coats of nail polish and a top coat of clear nail polish to give it more shine. Give it enough time to dry, before putting on any shoes. If you put on shoes too soon your pedicure will get ruined.

Enjoy your self given & low cost pedicure!

About The Author
Kenia Morales is the owner and publisher of online magazine "For Every Aspect Of Today's Woman". To find more beauty tips and other women related issues and topics visit her site at

Friday, April 20, 2007

10 Important Sunless Tanning Safety Tips

If you are a sunless tanner, your skin's health is very important to you. Here are some tips for you to review at your leisure and share with your friends and family. After you have read them, return once in awhile for a refresher so that you will keep safety foremost and always in your sunless tanning program.

1. Shaving - Avoid shaving right before applying sunless tanning products to avoid irritation.
2. Lighten up - For areas you want to protect from getting too dark, pre-apply baby oil, gel or lotion to places like your knees and elbows, then use sunless tanner.
3. Streaking - Getting wet too soon after applying sunless tanning products could result in streaks. So wait after applications, at least two hours or so, before swimming, showering or bathing.
4. Orange -To avoid orange hands when applying products, cheap, disposable gloves from a dime or wholesale store are great to use. Regardless of glove wearing, thoroughly wash hands and fingernails after application.
5. Expunge - Eliminate dead skin via washing or exfoliating before applying sunless tanning products.
6. Special Areas - When using self-tanning products with your knees, feet, hands and elbows, either dilute first with a moisturizing lotion or use very small amounts when gently rubbing in. Rubbing with a make-up sponge applicator works well for these areas, too.
7. How-to-Apply - To apply sunless tanning products, begin working on a small area. Gently, in an even manner, rub in the product generously. Reach out to other areas in a swirling, but still gentle and even rub, rather than going in an up-and-down direction. To reach your back, try using a sponge paint roller or sponge paintbrush; a little goes a long way, so slow and steady does it.
8. Fabric Stains - Be careful when using sunless tanning agents that list padimate O, lisadimate, aminobenzoic acid or roxadimate in the ingredients. These may cause discoloration, staining fabrics a yellowish hue.
9. Inside / Outside - Remember that when you use sunless or self-tanning products, if they list no sunscreen in their ingredients, you will not be protected from harmful UV rays. And even if you are using a sunscreen, it does not last or work beyond a few hours. So take caution running in and out, and be prepared. Either carry along more sunscreen product to reapply or wear, and carry or take protective clothing and gear.
10. Eyewear - For those enjoying a lot of outdoor weather, check into investing in good protective eyewear. Read labels for 100% UV protection. Check with a pharmacist or healthcare provider for help selecting appropriate levels for children and yourself.
By carefully considering these sunless tanning tips, you can help ensure you safely keep that wonderful glow all year long and enjoy the sizzle without the sun!

James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press. He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier, wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by visiting:

8 Spray Tanning Tips

With the recent surge in the popularity of tanning, many people are flocking to salons to use tanning booths or beds to build and maintain a healthy tan, but some people are still leery of the effects of ultraviolet light, and other people simply cannot afford to pay for tanning sessions.

One of the best alternatives to indoor tanning is sunless tanning, which offers a realistic looking tan from a bottle. These products come in cream, gel, or spray-on form, and there are benefits and drawbacks to each. If you choose spray-on sunless tanning, a number of things can be done to improve the results. You can have your tan sprayed on at a tanning salon, or you can apply it yourself.

Whichever option you choose, here are a few tips for spray tanning, to make sure the application goes smoothly.
1. Exfoliate - All the self-tanner in the world will do you no good if it attaches itself to dead skin that is about to come off your body! Use a loofah sponge in the bath the night before you self-tan to remove these dead skin cells.
2. Moisturize - Applying a good moisturizer a few hours before you self tan is a great way to make sure your skin is ready to accept the self-tanner.
3. Choose your clothes carefully - You should pick clothes that cover all the parts you do not wish to tan. Self-tanning nude is not recommended for newcomers, because the results can be unpredictable. Make sure you select tight fitting clothes so that the self-tanner cannot go under your sleeves. You should also choose dark colored clothes, since spray tanners will stain light clothes.
4. Use gloves - Nobody looks good with orange palms, so when you spray tanner on your hands in order to tan your face, don a pair of latex gloves to prevent stains.
5. If you are going to a tanning salon, follow the instructions! Self-tanning booths typically have a handout, so read up, and make sure you know what to do!
6. BLOT - After applying your spray tan, you will need to blot your skin with a towel to catch any drips.
7. Stand still - Standing still for about 30 seconds after a self-tanning booth application will ensure that your tan dries evenly. While it may take a lot longer to dry completely, the first minute or more is when you run a real risk of rubbing off the self-tanner before it has a chance to work.
8. Protect your feet - Because they typically get less sun than the rest of you, your feet are paler and may get dark faster. If you are spraying yourself, go lightly on the feet. If you are using a booth, use the paper booties (usually offered by staff) to protect your feet and apply a self-tanner later on to ensure you get the right shade.

© 2004-2005 All rights reserved.
About The Author: Angie Maroevich is an athlete, arts and crafts enthusiast, and a tanning salon owner in Petaluma, California. Her articles on skin care and tanning advice can be found at

Friday, April 13, 2007

6 Ways To Destroy A Beautiful Complexion

Women (and men too) spend billions of dollars trying to make their complexions look great. Sometimes their efforts are self-defeating. Some of the following problems you have heard of before but I bet you haven't heard of all of this.

Sun damage
Harmful UV rays can cause scarring of the elastic tissues in your skin. These elastic tissues make skin soft and easy to move. A condition called solar keratosis develops from long term exposure to UV rays. This will cause the skin to lose its flexibility and will make a 30 year old woman look 59. Plus skin cancer can ruin your entire day. Use sunscreen.
Also, many women, after years of sun exposure develop a condition called, Fungal Solar Keratosis. The sun damage cracks the skin, allowing fungal parasites under the skin. These parasites will interfere with normal healing even if therapeutic skin creams are used. Special fungal skin creams are the only solution.

Bad make up
Many manufacturers put chemicals in their products to make them last longer. It costs money to remove spoiled lipstick et al from the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies. So they put things like phenol and formaldehyde in all their skin care products. Germs can't live with these poisons around. But these products are very caustic. They burn skin and can cause cancer.
Use only skin products without these poisons. Check the labels.

If you live in a dry or salty environment, the dry air will suck moisture out of your skin. This causes the skin cells to shrivel up and makes puckering lines develop. Women in moist environments like Great Britain are noted for their youthful complexions. Good chemical free moisturizers will help. Also moving to a lake will help.

Bad diet
Skin needs proper nutrition in order to replace dead skin cells with new softer, healthier cells. Of course, you entire body needs proper nutrition. But the skin shows the signs of improper diet long before the liver does. When did you ever see an unhealthy, ugly liver anyway? You've seen a lot of ugly skin. Look up the food pyramid put out by the US government. Stick with this and you will generally be ok.

Air toxins
Household cleansers contain some of the deadliest materials known to humankind. Yet we cover our bodies with them when we clean our homes and offices. Many contain bleach which will destroy our skin and make us look like mummies. It's also bad for the lungs and kills sperm development in small boys.
Also chemicals in the air from household mold will cause the skin cells to toughen up and get scaly. The molds live in the walls and under sinks and send these chemicals into the air of your home.

Of course, being sick makes you look terrible.
You don't need a dermatologist for most of these probems. Just common sense and a little time checking ingredient lists.

For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat and prevent disease by showing them how to live in a clean environment. for free newsletter