
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Beauty - Is It Really Only Skin Deep?

We are in the age of cosmetology, plastic surgery, implants and a constant barrage from TV and magazines that want to sell us beauty and weight loss products. It is an enormously profitable industry that keeps us spellbound for the next new thing that will take away our wrinkles or firm our skin or help us lose weight.

Unfortunately society all over the world from the deepest, most remote areas of the planet to modern society will judge you by how you look. It is true! We all do it, some more than others. When you are walking through a mall or standing in line somewhere you are assessing people around you. When we are looking for a job we dress to impress. When we go out for an evening we dress to impress. Women usually pay more attention to detail then men.

But there is more to beauty then cosmetics and clothes. If you are very healthy looking then you are more likely to give a good impression. If you are a good listener, helpful or witty and cheerful, people are more likely to want to be around you. Cosmetics and clothing can definitely help but I suggest starting from the inside out.

1) Get plenty of sleep. This is a must. You cannot function properly when you are tired and it will show on your face. If you have a problem with getting enough sleep then you need to investigate the cause and handle it accordingly.

2) Drink plenty of water. Most people are semi dehydrated and don't get enough water daily.

3) Eat healthy food. Give up the junk and sugar foods. Your metabolism will be working better if you eat regular healthy meals.

4) You may want to consider taking supplements to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

5) Exercise. Our bodies need to move. We have become somewhat of a couch potato society. Have you noticed that when you are lazy you are less likely to want to get up and do anything? Exercising 30 minutes three times a week should help you lose weight and keep healthy.

6) Manicures and pedicures and keeping your body clean will keep you healthy and will be appreciated by others.

7) Keep up with the times on fashion. You don't want the outdated look.

8) Dress for your age. At 12 you don't need to look 20, or if your 50, you don't need to look 18. Be well dressed for your age.

9) If you need help with hair and makeup, find an expert to help you with that.

10) And finally, smile. No one really cares to be near Mr. or Mrs. Grumpy.

Some people naturally do all or most of these things, but if you aren't one of them then look at what would motivate you to do this. Do you have a spouse you want to look good for? Are you single and want to attract someone? Do you have children or grandchildren you want to be healthier and be a good role model for?

There is an awesome motivational poster that inspired me to write about this subject. Get healthy, and be happy.

Willie Jones
Willie is a freelance writer, researcher, floral designer, and artist. Thanks very much for reading this far. "Make sure you enroll in the free motivational poster drawing at All winners receive a free framed print."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Beauty Doesn't Have To Be Expensive

Where do you buy your beauty supplies? If you buy them from a department store- you are paying way too much! I was a department store buyer for many years. I was hooked on a particular brand, and I thought that the products were only available at the department store. I was wrong. With a little bit of time and research, I was able to shave off 50% of my beauty supply bill. Imagine what you could do with the extra money. The process is actually really simple. All you have to do is find the right websites.

Many of us are hooked on a particular brand of beauty supplies. We have used them for years, and love the way that they make us look and feel. The price tag however isn't very pretty. Try doing a search online for your favorite beauty products. You may find that auction sites such as have really good deals. Make sure to find out about shipping and return policies. I am a sucker for a free shipping deal, so try to find them whenever possible. You may also be able to purchase the product directly from the manufacturer's website. Look for online promotions that will give you discounts on the items you buy most. Coupon sites can give you even better discounts, so shop around.

If you are feeling adventurous and want to try a new cheaper brand, have no fear. Most websites will include a list of ingredients for all of their products. You can then compare this list with products that you have tried before. Look for products that have natural ingredients. If you can't produce anything on the label, chances are its not a good deal. There are many companies that focus on creating cheap designer knock-offs, so you may get a fragrance or cologne for much less than the name brand.

Buying beauty supplies online can be a lot of fun. You will be amazed at the level of savings, and pleased with the final product. Try getting together with friends and family members to compare beauty regimens. You may find a new product or item that you cannot live without. Always remember- beauty doesn't have to be expensive!

Melanie Breeze, avid online shopper and user of CouponChief, is always shopping around for the best deals. You can find beauty supply bargains and savings available around the web at CouponChief, all in one location. Always find an online coupon 1st before making ANY purchase!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Beauty Consultant On Skin Care Basics

If you're like many women you are confused about how to choose the proper skin care. Or maybe you have some knowledge of what is available but you are not sure what is a good choice for you. Cosmetics come in many forms and deciding which is good for you is often a matter of personal taste. However, in order to make a good decision here is some basic information that you should know.

Cleansers: Are used to cleanse the skin of impurities and restore it to its natural oil balance.
Types of Cleansers
#Soap: Almost everyone uses it. If you have dry or oily skin be sure your soap is helping correct the problem. Medicated soaps are meant for acne and problem skin, hypoallergenic soaps are meant for sensitive skin and there are drying soaps for oily skin and oily soaps for dry skin. If you have problem skin it is best to see a dermatologist.
#Liquid Cleansers: Are made for all types of skin. A good cleanser goes deep into the pores to loosen and lift excess oil and makeup.
#Creams: Are used for dry skin
#Pad Cleansers: Are thick wad of absorbent material and are good for touch ups throughout the day.
#Grains: Are coarse cleansers that are used for oily skin

Refreshers: Are used to complete the cleansing process. They help tone; sooth and rehydrate the skin keep complexions clear and clean.
Types of Refreshers:
#Astringents: Are meant for oily and normal skin types. They usually have alcohol as an ingredient that will stimulate the complexion and close the pores. This is not a product to use on dry skin.
#Toners: Are mild refreshers and are meant for normal and dry skin.
#Fresheners: Are recommended for dry, sensitive or problem skin.
Moisturizers: Replenishes moisture and nourishes the skin.
Types of Moisturizers:
#Moisturizers for normal skin: Helps maintain the moisture in normal skin.
#Moisturizers for dry skin: Helps restore skin's natural moisture balance.
#Oil Control Moisturizers: Help control excess oil and prevent blemishes
#Emollients: Are rich creams suited for extra dry skin that replenishes the natural supply of the skin's oil. This moisturizing cream forms a protective shield that minimizes moisture evaporation and allows increased hydration of dry areas.
Masks: Exfoliates dead surface cells as it hydrates and moisturizes the skin.
Types of Masks:
#Facial Masks for normal to dry skin: Help relax facial muscles and remove dry flaky skin.
#Facial Masks for oily skin: Refines skin's texture and deep cleans to help control surface sebum.
#Pore Packs: Are designed to eliminate blackheads and reduce blemishes. Mostly used for oily skin.
#Foundation Protection: Foundation protects the skin by keeping moisture in and dirt out with the added benefit of a flawless finish. This is a step that some women skip because they don't quit know how to apply it and are not getting the right look. A couple of suggestions: make sure you have the type that is compatible with your complexion, test the color on your jaw line and it should be the same color as your complexion and make sure you have exfoliated (if not the foundation will show up as flaky).

Types of Foundation:
Full Coverage: used for normal to dry skin for extra hydration.
Medium Coverage: used for normal to oily skin.
Whatever your skin type take care of it by keeping it clean. Cleanse, tone and moisturize every morning and every night. Irregular or improper cleansing causes skin problems and makeup that is left on the skin will dull the skin's surface; while oil and dead skin cells will clog the pores and cause blackheads.
About The Author
Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches women how to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type. Visit her at to download a copy of her e-book Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.